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MALT - Motivating Adult Learners & Teachers
The goal of the MALT project is to provide methods for the teaching and learning of adults in a teaching bank, for which we select, explain and provide appropriate learning and teaching tools. The aim is to openly invite interested individuals, communities or establishments to use these tools, to evaluate them and to add new ones.
The project has also summarised the situation concerning the adult education in Europe in a comprehensive research paper as part of the project. MALT is a European project including 6 partners from 6 different countries, that are all involved in the education and training of adults in different ways. The project is ongoing, and many sections are currently being updated. Please keep visiting regularly to see the developments, especially in the teaching bank as it is growing.
Migrant ICT
The project “Meeting Learning Needs of A8 Migrants using ICT” aims at addressing the issue of adaptability of people from other countries to their new country and is addressed to Adult Education Authorities and Providers, Tutors and Guidance Counsellors working in the education centres and in the community.
This project aims to support the integration of the new residents coming from new EU accession countries into society and particularly into the workforce. Targeting those with lower levels of education, skills and ICT competency it will develop new methods for Adult Education Providers to assist migrants to effectively integrate the competences and educational experiences acquired in their countries of origin into the workplace. Supporting the acquisition of ICT competencies the project will help migrants fulfil their social, cultural and career needs. -
This site offers online support and tools for teams working in European projects to improve intercultural communication and build on their cultural diversity for an effective implementation of their projects.An tool aimed
Migration Citizenship Education
MIGRATION CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION is a powerful, user-friendly information platform developed by Network Migration in Europe e.V. which provides free online access to learning resources on migration, minorities and human rights in European Citizenship Education on a european and national level